The Type of Person I Strive to Be

When I reflect on the type of person I aim to be, I find myself coming back to a few core principles that guide my decisions and interactions. These principles serve as a compass, helping me navigate through a complex and often divided world. Here’s a look at the values I try to embody.

Not Racist

Racism has no place in the world I want to help create. I strive to treat everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of their background, ethnicity, or culture. I actively work to unlearn biases, call out racism when I see it, and educate myself on perspectives that are different from my own. Being anti-racist means taking action, not just avoiding prejudice.

Gender Acceptance

The world is beautifully diverse, and gender is no exception. I support and affirm people’s identities, whether they align with traditional norms or not. Being gender-accepting is about listening, learning, and making sure everyone feels seen and valued for who they truly are.

Not an Arsehole

It might sound simple, but it’s profound: don’t be an arsehole. This means treating others with kindness, refraining from unnecessary judgment, and recognising that everyone is fighting battles we may not see. It’s about being patient and understanding rather than jumping to conclusions or lashing out.

Not Inconsiderate

Mindfulness of others’ needs is central to how I want to live. Whether it’s holding the door open, checking in on a friend, or being aware of how my actions might affect others, I try to consider the ripple effects of my behaviour. Being inconsiderate creates unnecessary harm, and I aim to do the opposite.

Mindful of Others’ Needs

Empathy and awareness go hand in hand. I strive to understand and respond to what people need, whether it’s support during a tough time or just a listening ear. This doesn’t mean overextending myself to the point of burnout, but rather finding a balance that allows me to be there for others while maintaining my own wellbeing.

Help When I Can

If I’m in a position to help, I try to step up. This could mean offering a hand with a task, sharing knowledge, or standing up for someone who needs support. Helping others isn’t just about grand gestures—it’s about small, consistent acts of kindness that make a difference.

Be a Good Role Model

Actions speak louder than words. I aim to be someone who others can look to for inspiration, not through perfection, but by living authentically and staying true to my values. Being a good role model means demonstrating integrity, owning up to mistakes, and continually striving to do better.


I’m unapologetically against the ideology of MAGA (Make America Great Again) because it represents division, regression, and a refusal to embrace progress. The world I want to be part of is inclusive, forward-thinking, and grounded in empathy. Opposing MAGA is not about opposing individuals but rejecting the toxic rhetoric that undermines equality, science, and global cooperation.

These principles aren’t just ideals to me—they’re the foundation of the life I want to lead. I don’t always get it right, but I’m committed to trying, learning, and growing. The world is complicated, but if we each strive to be better, we can create a kinder, more equitable place for everyone.

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